Just believe it
Bruno Gideon
All great achievements in science, music, art, and science and technology were made possible because the people concerned refused to accept the word "impossible." We can learn from these people, because this truth applies to our everyday matters as well. We all face challenges that seem impossible at first but really are not. The secret to conquering the word "impossible" lies in our attitude.
Never, never, never, never give up.– Winston Churchill
All things are possible until they are proved impossible –and even the impossible may only be so, as of now.– Pearl Buck
Bruno's commentary
Remember the question, “Is the glass half full or half empty?" "The glass is half full" should be our motto not only in times when we are challenged to persevere in order to succeed but also in every little thing that happens to us day by day. If we think that we can't do it, then we can't. But once we learn to stop being a “poor me,” once we learn to refuse to accept the impossible and stop looking for a scapegoat, we become positive and then, look out -- there will be no stopping us!
Just believe that you can do it … that is all it takes.
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